What to Expect
Your Care Starts Here
As you’ll see with our unique 3-Step Process, everything begins with taking the time to truly listen to your questions and concerns, then we work together to set goals for your care, and last, we use the most modern technology (INSiGHT Scanning) to allow us to assess exactly where the nervous system is stressed, stuck (subluxated), exhausted, and not functioning properly.
Every single aspect of the care we provide is focused on the nervous system. That simply means ensuring that the body’s most important system is able to rest, relax, heal, grow, and adapt.
Those five things are so important, from a newborn baby who is supposed to be sleeping more than they are awake, to both parents and kids lacking rest, and the families needing to recharge.
Our goal is to always take the time to explain and educate our patients every step of the way. We see the path to healing, restoration, and full health as our main priority.
What To Expect
Our Clinical Process
Step 1
We Listen.
When you come in for your consultation, we strive to take the time necessary to really listen. We understand that the most important aspect to getting our patients back on track is to dive into their case history, and no one knows that better than you.
The appointment begins with our customized intake paperwork (delivered to you via email or text). This helps us go through our “CSI” aspect of the process. Here is our first chance to see if we find anything that may have contributed to the “Perfect Storm”. This is the set of challenges that may have overwhelmed and imbalanced your child’s nervous system.
Don’t worry, we will never leave you out of any of our processes. Our staff is committed to having an open line of communication with our patients and will explain to you exactly how the science of chiropractic works. We will explain what to expect, and answer any questions you may have.
Step 2
Insight scans find, measure, and map out the neurological stress
We don’t guess, we test.
The vast majority of neurological-focused health care is really only looking for obvious pathology. This completely misses the boat on actually measuring neurological function.
We focus 100% of our clinical care on the autonomic nervous system. This controls and coordinates the function of every other system and cell in the body. This is why so many Perfect Storm kids also have significant challenges with gut function, immune function, behavioral and emotional well-being, and more.
The Insight Scans are absolutely incredible. They are an entirely non-invasive way of measuring how much neurological dysfunction and distress (subluxation) is stuck within your child’s autonomic nervous system. The scans also help us locate and map out exactly where the worst of it is.
Step 3
A Customized Care Plan
This is where all the steps come together. Dr. Barnett will build a personalized and goal focused Care Plan.
Our Care Plan is based entirely on the principles of neuroplasticity and “Perfect Storm” science. Our Care Plan process sets us apart not only from other forms of chiropractic, but from all forms of health care period.
Dr. Barnett will sit down with you and walk you through every bit of the Consultation & Insight Exam findings. He will explain what everything means, but most importantly, lay out the details of the Neurological Restoration Care Plan best suited to meet the goals you put forth for your child and family!
We Don’t Guess, We Test
INSiGHT Scanning
Data Informed Diagnosis
INSiGHT scans measure heart rate variability, electromyography & thermography. These give Dr. Barnett a good look at how your nervous system is functioning and how well your body adapts to stress.

Safe For
- Adults
- Expecting mothers
- Teens
- Toddlers
- New born babies
Beating Stress
Lifestyle choices and actions may be causing stresses that affect the function of your nervous system, whether you feel them or not! That’s why we don’t guess, we test using CLA’s INSiGHT scanning technology!

CLA’s INSiGHT neuroTHERMAL scanning creates a thermographic image that allows Dr. Barnett to identify areas of poor autonomic nerve regulation.
Why is it important in nerve functional testing to look at temperature? When nerve interference occurs it interferes with the vasoconstriction (cooling) and vasodilatation (heating) feature. When a person has too much nerve tension, they cannot regulate the caliber of blood vessels (cooling and heating).
neuroTHERMAL measures the spinal nerves control of organs and glands. This is the ideal technology to assess the autonomic system and detect deepening health issues associated with spinal change.

CLA’s INSIGHT neuroCORE scanning system accurately measures muscle tone and balance along the spine.
neuroCORE will analyze the neuromuscular activity along the spine. This will help Dr. Barnett to manage the effects of the vertebral subluxation.

CLA’s neuroPULSE scanning analyzes the overall effects of stress and anxiety in patients.
Measuring heart rate, skin conductant and skin temperature, the neuroPULSE scan will show Dr. Barnett how well the vagus nerve is controlling the balance between sympathetic stress and the ability to modulate and adapt to that stress.
Who We Care For

Well Family Chiropractic specializes in pediatric care. Our attention to Pediatric Care is what really sets us apart. We are committed to helping your child have incredible results from difficulty sleeping, dealing with colic, chronic sickness, to sensory and spectrum challenges. Whatever the concern is, we are here to help!


A beautiful thing occurs when the parents have greater emotional, mental and physical health, the kids see it too! Kids learn their healthy habits from us parents. If we are constantly stressed out, wound up, and emotionally exhausted, our kids will come to expect this to be their life as well. So by taking care of yourself, your children will follow by example!
We're Listening
One of our amazing Care Advocates would be happy to listen to your unique story! Let us get you started on your Incredible wellness journey!