Success Stories
Stories of Hope
Here at WFC we know that every mom, kiddo, and family have their own unique story that is so crucial to each individual’s incredible healing journey. Read about some of our patients’ amazing stories and how they’ve overcome their hurdles!

A Total Game Changer!
“Life before chiropractic definitely involved more pain, perhaps not daily but a couple of times a week, waking up sore/stiff and remaining that way all day. My wife once told me she wouldn’t tolerate my anger when I was in pain, couldn’t exactly quote her, but the phrasing was along the lines of “I will not be around the house much when we’re old if you’re in moods like this often.” And I actually agreed and understood her on that because when my back hurt so bad that I couldn’t really help with the kids or chores I was both angry and sad, and my temper was horrible.
My biggest objection to receiving chiropractic care was definitely doubtfulness. I doubted that it would really help manage pain, and therefore doubted that it was worth the money. I overcame that hurdle the first time I was adjusted. The only way I could describe how my head and neck felt is that I went in there with a 50lb beard, and he shaved it off in seconds. I had no idea that my neck had become stiff, that I had lost some range of motion, and that I was not only turning slow – but using my whole body to adapt to that stiffness.
The initial surprise of the mobility increase in my neck had me very fired up to see what other results may be lurking nearby, just waiting to be unleashed from within. From there, the next thing I noticed is that when my whole family caught some sort of bug, I got over it quite quickly – I’m not one to get sick for long, but this was a very fast recovery. I also noticed a bit of a shift in my ADHD symptoms, felt I had an easier time “getting into the zone” when a project required more of my focus.
I maintain weekly adjustments now because after completing a multi-visit-per-week healing regimen, it’s been a total game changer!“
– Jason K.

Here Comes the Poop!
“My 18-month-old had not had a bowel movement in nearly 5 days. He was miserable. I was giving Aloe water, probiotics, and 2 doses of laxatives without any success. Took him into Well Family Chiropractic and shortly after he had o bowel movement. In fact, he had 10 over the next 3 days. We were both so happy.”

Breathing Easy!
“My son Luke has been seeing Dr.Barnett since the age of 4. Luke (7 now) has a mild case of asthma like his mother and has always had trouble breathing especially when he gets sick. Every time Luke gets adjusted he can tell a difference in his breathing patterns. The adjustment opens up his lungs and allows his body to function properly, reducing the amount of time he needs his inhaler. Both of my boys are so aware of their own bodies and when they need to be adjusted. And they know that a good adjustment is necessary to function at 100%.”
-Tim N.

Stories of Hope – Teenager’s Life Changed
“Our child, John, spent most of his life suffering from bed wetting. At first when he was about 4 friends and family would give me well-meaning advice, but none of it worked, and I felt very judged….like I was doing something wrong as a parent. John had no accidents during the day, and only suffered at night. As John grew older this problem never went away.
Every single night was the same thing and sometimes multiple times a night. We tried everything! John’s pediatrician said they would grow out of it. A pediatric urologist said John would grow out of it. We tried alarms, waking up several times in the night, no liquids after a certain time, essential oil, hypnotist, counseling and even explored that maybe John was constipated. Nothing worked.
John became a teenager and still experiencing the same issue. Broke my heart to hear John cry about how they hated his body. So we tried chiropractic care and it has changed our lives. The change has not been over night but with consistent care there have been more dry nights than we have ever experienced. I am so grateful for the help and support that Well Family Chiropractic has given us.”
– Jane

Mom and Baby Feeling Better than Ever
“My life before chiropractic was getting challenging due to my work. I began suffering numerous aches and pains from working behind the chair for years as a stylist. A friend of ours recommended Well Family Chiropractic so I made an appointment. I had undergone chiropractic care years before when I was 18 and experienced positive results, so I had hoped that a visit with Doctor Barnett would yield a similar or even better experience.
Between the stiffness in my neck and the carpal tunnel in my wrists, Dr. B had his work cut out for himself with me as a patient. I diligently stuck to the schedule he recommended after a thorough consultation, and I gradually felt relief every time I went for an appointment. I enjoyed going each week knowing that the next few days I would feel better and eventually get to a point where my body would cooperate and pains would be better managed.
About a year or so after beginning care, my partner and I became pregnant, and I felt it was even more important to maintain my chiropractic schedule. I struggled with many challenges, such as stress, anxiety, general soreness, and swelling in my hands, and I always got relief after an adjustment. I truly believe that maternity chiropractic care was very beneficial in my pregnancy journey. I’m now two months postpartum and feel better than ever.
My infant daughter is seeing Dr. B for routine care as well, since delivery via emergency C-section seemed to have thrown her posture a little bit out of whack. We have already seen positive results with her visits even after only two adjustments. All that to say, I definitely recommend Well Family Chiropractic and believe they have become a self-care staple in our lives.”
– Veronica D.
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